
Windows 7 Premium Edition comes in two versions. One comes in 64-bit version and other in 32-bit version. This difference is due to dissimilarity in the processor they make use of. In fact, the 64-bit version handles more RAM than the 32-bit version. According to me, 64-bit versions are ideal for office or commercial uses.

Windows 7 Premium version allows you watch television. Not only this, it lets you pause and rewind your favorite show. Recording your favorite soap on television is now well within your reach. Same works with movies, as you can pause and record online streaming.

A premium version lets you access recently used files within a couple of clicks. I found these recall features simply amazing. It is very useful while performing multi tasking on two folders. It has a Windows search, which is faster in searching files and programs.

Moreover, installing Windows is now easier. It saves time on starting and shutting of computer. Besides, rebooting is easier. Windows 7 Premium is both easier as well as quicker. It is also capable of working with touchscreen devices. It also has some advance sensor applications such as biometric devices and display icons.

Windows 7 Premium edition lets you to connect all your office PCs to a single printer using an advance ‘home group’ function. This is important for commercial PCs. You do not require installing any additional software to make connectivity of printer, as it is accessible to all PCs with Windows 7 Premium.

Windows 7 Software